Thursday, February 11, 2010

Help with crackle paint!?

I followed the directions and I am having major problems with this technique. I am painting one wall in our bedroom. I am having problems with blending the top coat evenly. I have tried doing long brushstrokes, but you can see each section where I have stopped and started again. It is impossible to do one long paint stroke from top to bottom of my wall. I also miss tiny sections of the wall and then cannot go back to put paint on them because it takes off the crackling paint on sections I have already painted. This is a mess and very difficult. I love the look though (when it鈥檚 done right). Any tips would be so helpful!!!Help with crackle paint!?
try using a roller for the top coat and remember it don't have to be perfect that's the idea behind and yes try to use one long stroke if you alter the strokes first stroke start at the top second start at the bottom never over lap or try to go back just leave the spots you miss also try it on an old board to get to hang of it before doing the wallHelp with crackle paint!?
have you thought of using a small roller. you will be able to work faster and more evenly with roller.

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